Issue 1, Year of Award - 2012 Co-founder
of the University, the Faculty of Orthodox Theology has been promoting academic
relationships with the other faculties of our university as well as with other
Theology faculties in Romania and abroad, following the example set by its
academic patron, Dumitru Staniloaie, who promoted and cultivated the Romanian
Orthodox Theology all over the world. Fully
responsible and aware of the role, place and importance of contemporary
Romanian Orthodox Theology, the aim of our Faculty is to provide high quality
education, deeply rooted Biblical fundaments, as it was developed by patristic
and post-patristic authors and cultivated by our illustratrious predecessors,
form a perspective that embraces religious, cultual and scientific dialogue. | |
Caseta redacțională
Director: Prof. dr. Ovidiu Cârjă, Director CSUD Redactor Șef: Dana Lungu Redactor: Dan Pîrlogeanu Consultant: lect. dr. Valerică Greavu-Șerban Editor: Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza, Iași Adresa: Carol I 22, Iași, 700505, România Tel.: 0232/200101; Fax: 0232/200102; E-mail: ; Pagina web:
ISSN: 2501-1375 ISSN-L: 2501-1375
| Type of content | Abstract | | | Language | English | | | Title (Romanian) | Contribuţii ale teologiei ortodoxe româneşti la teologia şi mişcarea ecumenică | | | Title (English) | Contributions of the Romanian Orthodox Theology to the Theology and Ecumenical Movement. Abstract | | | Author | Ungureanu, Dragoș | | | PhD supervisor | Petraru, Gheorge, PhD Professor | | | Domain | Theology | | | Keywords | General Assembly, The Bible, Church, Communion, Conference, Ecumenical Council of Churches, Holy Spirit, Ecumenism, Identiy
| | | APACitation | Ungureanu, Dragoș (2012), Contributions of the Romanian Orthodox Theology to the Theology and Ecumenical Movement. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: | |
| | | Type of content | Abstract | | | Language | English | | | Title (Romanian) | Neognosticismul contemporan şi impactul asupra misiunii bisericii | | | Title (English) | Contemporary neo-gnosticism and its impact on the mission of the church. Abstract | | | Author | Rusu, Constantin | | | PhD supervisor | Petraru, Gheorge, PhD Professor | | | Domain | Theology | | | Keywords | neo-gnosticism, heretical doctrines, esotericism, positivism, pantheism, neo-paganism, palingenesis
| | | APACitation | Rusu, Constantin (2012), Contemporary neo-gnosticism and its impact on the mission of the church. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: | |
| | | Type of content | Abstract | | | Language | English | | | Title (Romanian) | Teologia Numelor divine din Vechiul Testament | | | Title (English) | The Theology of Divine Names in the Old Testament. Abstract | | | Author | Prilipceanu, Cristian | | | PhD supervisor | Semen, Petre, PhD Professor | | | Domain | Theology | | | Keywords | Old Testament, Theology, Divine names, God, Yahweh, El, Elohim, Ehyeh aser ehyeh, Melek
| | | APACitation | Prilipceanu, Cristian (2012), The Theology of Divine Names in the Old Testament. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: | |
| | | Type of content | Abstract | | | Language | English | | | Title (Romanian) | Slujba sfinţirii locaşului de cult în riturile liturgice actuale. Studiu istorico-liturgic şi exegetic | | | Title (English) | The service consecration for place of worship in current liturgical rites. Historical, liturgical and exegetical study. Abstract | | | Author | Pîjîn, Marius | | | PhD supervisor | Sava, Viorel, PhD Professor | | | Domain | Theology | | | Keywords | Consecration, church, liturgical rite, evolution, altar, antimins, bishop, anointing, Holy Chrism, Byzantine, non-Chalcedonians, Romano Catholic, symbolism
| | | APACitation | Pîjîn, Marius (2012), The service consecration for place of worship in current liturgical rites. Historical, liturgical and exegetical study. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: | |
| | | Type of content | Abstract | | | Language | English | | | Title (Romanian) | Preocupări liturgice în opera și activitatea Patriarhilor Bisericii Ortodoxe Române | | | Title (English) | Liturgical concerns in the work and the activity of the Patriarchs of the Romanian Orthodox Church. Abstract | | | Author | Pelin, Cezar | | | PhD supervisor | Sava, Viorel, PhD Professor | | | Domain | Theology | | | Keywords | Liturgical aspects, Miron Cristea, Nicodim Munteanu, Justinian Marina, Iustin Moisescu, Teoctist Arapasu, Romanian Orthodox Church, Holy Synod, Canonizations of Saints, calendar
| | | APACitation | Pelin, Cezar (2012), Liturgical concerns in the work and the activity of the Patriarchs of the Romanian Orthodox Church. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: | |
| | | Type of content | Abstract | | | Language | English | | | Title (Romanian) | Fenomenul suicidar în context creştin misionar şi psihiatric | | | Title (English) | Suicide phenomenon in missionary christian and psychiatric context. Abstract | | | Author | Malaia (Herea), Speranţa-Giulia | | | PhD supervisor | Petraru, Gheorge, PhD Professor | | | Domain | Theology | | | Keywords | life, suicide, suffering, suicidal cults, prevention, postvention ecclesial mission, mixed medical-religious therapy group
| | | APACitation | Malaia (Herea), Speranţa-Giulia (2012), Suicide phenomenon in missionary christian and psychiatric context. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: | |
| | | Type of content | Abstract | | | Language | English | | | Title (Romanian) | Valențele iubirii divine din perspectivă Biblică | | | Title (English) | The aspect of divine love from a Biblical point of view. Abstract | | | Author | Hârlăoanu, Paul-Cezar | | | PhD supervisor | Semen, Petre, PhD Professor | | | Domain | Theology | | | Keywords | love, mercy, compasion, longsuffering, agape, law, commandments, repentance, eternal life, justice, punishment, prophets, patriarchs, apostles, Adam, David
| | | APACitation | Hârlăoanu, Paul-Cezar (2012), The aspect of divine love from a Biblical point of view. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: | |
| | | Type of content | Abstract | | | Language | English | | | Title (Romanian) | Non-dualismul Vedantin. Metafizică și mistică în gândirea lui Saṅkara | | | Title (English) | Non-dualism Vedantic. Metaphysical and mystical Sankara's thinking. Abstract | | | Author | Dura, Ioan | | | PhD supervisor | Achimescu, Nicolae, PhD Professor | | | Domain | Theology | | | Keywords | Vedānta, Advaita, Sankara, Metaphysics, Mysticism, Non-dualism, Indian philosophy, Brahman,
| | | APACitation | Dura, Ioan (2012), Non-dualism Vedantic. Metaphysical and mystical Sankara's thinking. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: | |
| | | Type of content | Abstract | | | Language | English | | | Title (Romanian) | Toleranţă şi intoleranţă în Islam | | | Title (English) | Tolerance and intolerance in Islam. Abstract | | | Author | Duma, Ionuţ | | | PhD supervisor | Achimescu, Nicolae, PhD Professor | | | Domain | Theology | | | Keywords | Tolerance, intolerance, Islam, Islamism, Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Africa, fundamentalism, terrorism, jihad, martyrdom, interreligious dialogue, peace, love, Muhammad, caliphs
| | | APACitation | Duma, Ionuţ (2012), Tolerance and intolerance in Islam. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: | |
| | | Type of content | Abstract | | | Language | English | | | Title (Romanian) | Istoria comunităților evreiești din Republica Moldova de la începuturi până în anul 2000 | | | Title (English) | History of jewish communities in Republic of Moldova from the beginnings untill 2000. Abstract | | | Author | Cerlat, Silvia | | | PhD supervisor | Semen, Petre, PhD Professor | | | Domain | Theology | | | Keywords | Chosen people, Hebrew, history, law, covenant, synagogue, diaspora, demographics, mercy, Antisemitism, Holocaust, immigration, Bessarabia, Israel
| | | APACitation | Cerlat, Silvia (2012), History of jewish communities in Republic of Moldova from the beginnings untill 2000. Abstract (Doctoral thesis, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania). Retrieved from: | |
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